
Configure Software

Note this assumes you are using artix, if you're using arch, remove references to artix and omniverse

Change /bin/sh

Check your /bin/sh if it says whatever shell you want, it's set. check your installed shells, if not install your shell with your package manager on Arch pacman -S dash dashbinsh as an example of dash on arch, this also installs dashbinsh if you have chaotic aur, i recommend this to not have to manually link binsh, but if you want heres how to do it manually link your shell

Check your /bin/sh

To check if dash is linked to /bin/sh run ls -l /bin/sh

Check what shells are Installed

Run cat /etc/shells to see what shells are installed

Link shell to /bin/sh

Use ln -sf insertshellbinarynamehere /bin/sh as root

Changing your User Shell

To change your user shell to whatever you want, find the shell on your system via cat /etc/shells and then set it with usermod --shell /bin/mksh YOURUSERNAME as an example.

Configure Doas

Put permit persist keepenv :wheel as root in your doas.conf, if you want to know what everything does you can find information on the doas.conf online.

Yay with Doas

To run Yay with with Doas, you need to make a shell alias, simply add alias yay='yay --sudo doas' to your .kshrc, .bashrc, .mkshrc, or .zshrc

Configure Pacman

I strongly recommend adding a few unofficial repos, heres how you do that. DEVKITPRO=/opt/devkitpro
doas pacman -S artix-archlinux-support
doas pacman-key --populate archlinux
doas pacman-key --recv-key 3056513887B78AEB --keyserver
doas pacman-key --recv BC26F752D25B92CE272E0F44F7FD5492264BB9D0 --keyserver
doas pacman-key --lsign-key 3056513887B78AEB
doas pacman-key --lsign BC26F752D25B92CE272E0F44F7FD5492264BB9D0
doas pacman -U ''
doas pacman -U ''
doas pacman -U
doas micro /etc/pacman.conf

Paste this at the end of repositories
Server =$arch
Server =$arch
Server =$arch

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-arch

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-arch

#Don't uncomment this unless you really need it
#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-arch

Include = /etc/pacman.d/chaotic-mirrorlist

Server =

Server =$arch/

You can add the ParalellDownloads option to your /etc/pacman.conf to allow parallel downloading, i recommend setting this to your processor threads, for example on my system i added. ParalellDownloads = 6 also if you need to enable multilib (not recommended) uncomment

Set $env

export ENV
to your /etc/profile