this is a little page for projects i'm working on, to make it easier to ask for help, and to keep progress in the future.
Amadeussteins;gate 0 inspired desktop enviroment/rice
LightVNLightVN is a visual novel engine i'm working on written in pure C99 using lua and raylib, works on openbsd, i may work on a vita port. i currently need help with the game loop a few things. pausing the execution of lua after a "scene" is built. lerping positions for smoother animations. etc. if anyone is interested in porting to other platforms as well that would be great and i'll help.
raylib openbsd porta slightly modified verison of raylib (just modified cmake) so that it builds on openbsd. made for LightVN.
Zelda3a modified version of the zelda3 pc port, forked to run on openbsd, i eventually want to get 21:9 working and make a bmake compatible buildscript and migrate the current one to a gnumakefile, if i can i'll try to get all of these things accepted as PRs upstream.
SM64-porta modified version of the sm64 pc port, forked to run on openbsd, same as above but no 21:9, and theres a bit more work todo, like merging ultrasm64 features, etc.
Ship of harkinian (ocarina of time pc port)i tried for a bit to get this working on openbsd, no luck so far, i plan to continue working on it at some point, the main issue seems to be it locating SDL2.